It’s so easy to hurt a person with a word or an action during a fight. The resentment can linger for much longer after the fight is over, ruining the relationship.
We chose 7 things you should never ever do while fighting with your loved ones.
7. Don’t include other family members in your fights.

6. Avoid violence.

While fighting, people tend to show the worst sides of their character. Some, trying to prove themselves right, resort to violence. Don’t allow yourself or your partner to use violence, no matter how angry you might be with each other. The physical pain caused by a loved one will kill all the feelings that once bound you.
5. Don’t mix it all up.

4. Never ever talk about a divorce.

3. Never leave the house in the middle of a fight.

Simply leaving the house during a fight will only show how uncomfortable you feel staying under the same roof as your partner. Slamming the doors, running into the darkness, leaving the conflict unresolved – this all will make your partner think twice about your level of maturity. It’s way better to wait until you both calm down, and then you can discuss everything as adults.
2. Do not go to bed separately.

1. Never fight in public.

If you allow yourself and your partner to fight in a public place then, most likely, you do not respect each other or the surrounding people. Do not take skeletons out of your closet in public. It’s way better to talk about your issues at home.