Since ancient times people have studied the Moon with the eyes and intent of a researcher, hoping to find something extraordinary. In the 1960s, the Brookings Report detailed the challenges that a man living on the moon would encounter.
This study was a precursor to the discovery of evidence of an alien civilisation on the moon. There existed the possibility of conquering an off-Earth civilization’s scientific and technical achievements on the moon.

George Leonard released “Somebody else is on the Moon” in the United Kingdom in 1977. G. Leonard is a pseudonym that someone uses to keep their identity private. It’s a mystery.
In any case, it is an extremely knowledgeable individual with access to a vast amount of information, including top-secret material.
This book contains 35 images each with a NASA Code Number, dozens of detailed drawings created, according to the author from high-quality NASA photographs in large format, expert comments, and a comprehensive bibliography.
The reader will come to an unexpected conclusion: NASA and many other well-known scientists have known for years that there were traces of intelligent beings living on the Moon. This information is kept secret.
Because the book’s contents were unknown, the international society didn’t place much importance on it.
However, in the early 1990s, astonishing, incredible information — that remnants of the oldest and indisputably alien civilization may be found on the Moon — was proven.
Ken Johnston, the former leader of NASA’s Lunar Laboratory picture service, as well as numerous other former NASA engineers and scientists, broke the news at a press conference in Washington.
“NASA’s cover-up of Apollo pictures depicting ancient lunar ruins” was the key theme.
Ken Johnston exposed what was kept secret from the rest for 40 years. Apollo astronauts photographed and documented architectural and technical remnants of an ancient civilization.
The astronauts also discovered a previously unknown gravity-control device (perhaps they are able to master anti-gravity technology). During the Apollo program, Ken Johnston’s bosses at NASA instructed him to trash these photographs, but he defied instructions and preserved them.
Johnston was able to show some images to the press. These images prove extraterrestrial civilization evidence.
What was the first thing that journalists noticed when they were surprised? The film included city ruins, massive spherical things made of glass, floating stone buildings and castles, and even a robot’s head. The Americans, according to Johnston, delivered something to Earth that NASA had kept hidden for a generation…
Numerous moon-related discoveries have puzzled geologists. One example is the discovery of an orange glass pyramid, whose origins are still unknown. We don’t know what else we might have discovered.
Following the meeting, additional NASA whistleblowers uploaded many of the same eye-opening lunar photographs on NASA’s numerous websites. These photographs are high-resolution. Because of the Internet, people all over the globe, even regular citizens, were able to view these amazing images without restrictions. Is NASA Truly Hiding The Real Moon All These Years?
After this remarkable news conference, an interview was published with Richard Hoagland. He is a NASA consultant, founder and chief researcher for the Enterprise Mission organization. (He served as a scientific advisor to CBS News at NASA Jet Engine Laboratory during Apollo 11). Johnston and Johnston were the ones to leak the information.
Here are his thoughts about the newly discovered culture. “I believe the Apollo project proved the presence of an incredible, old, but yet human civilization on the moon.” It’s terrible to consider in whose knee our forefathers put it down.
However, we’ve only been allowed to share a small portion of the evidence NASA has received concerning an ancient, long-lost human civilization, which suggests that man previously roamed the whole Solar System. NASA classified data taken from Mars that supports this assertion. Are you inquiring if the “new Atlantis” ruins have been discovered on the moon? To begin with, I believe it would be more accurate to refer to “ancient Atlantis.”
That civilization’s great science allowed them to travel from Earth to the Moon hundreds (or perhaps millions) of years ago and construct structures out of a substance that resembled glass.
You can deduce this from the publicly available materials. One example is the Egyptian legend of Thoth, the god of knowledge who was said to have fallen from the Moon and taught mankind language, writing, and other skills.

It is impossible to prove or disprove that there is a civilization on Moon. This can only be done by bringing together the efforts of many governments.
It is crucial to send a cooperative mission to the moon.
What Technologies Did You Use on the Moon? The book “Dark Mission: NASA’s Secret History” was written and released by Johnston and Hoagland in an attempt to inform the entire world about the true narrative that awaits everyone on the Moon.
They claim that the Moon technology shows high technical progress. The Soviet Union sent an all-terrain vehicle to the Moon that captured images from an ancient civilization. They were however categorized after careful examination. NASA, along with the Soviet government, kept secrets about the existence and technology of alien civilizations.
These structures could be found on the Moon as well as on other planets within the Solar System. Even though Americans were not known to have ever been to the Moon, there was a widespread belief that the episode about the landing of an American spaceman was made in a studio. This is a fabrication.
The writers of the book believe that this myth is a purposeful “military deception” based on NASA’s facts and research. It’s intended to conceal what NASA discovered on the moon and returned to Earth. This was just one month after the first moonwalkers returned to Earth. They are certain that the foundation of that deception — “we have never gone to the Moon” — was established by NASA itself, based on what they witnessed with their own eyes.

What Did NASA Discover on the Moon? It was a form of insurance against the dreadful question, “What NASA actually discovered on the Moon.”
The authors argue that the construction of the “myth of the moon” gave NASA confidence in its ability to keep everything linked to the “failed” Moon study mission hidden.
It is not public knowledge that astronauts received top-secret orders to cover all the valuable old alien technologies found in the region. Richard Hoagland and other academics claim that an alien species used the Moon to transit Earth while carrying out activities on Earth.
These theories are supported by myths and folklore from many cultures around the globe. There are thousands of kilometers worth of lunar city ruins, gigantic translucent domes on top of huge bases, many tunnels, and other constructions that force scientists to reevaluate how they see the problems plaguing our satellite.
Another important scientific topic is the origin of our Moon and its relationship to Earth. Natural geological formations cannot be blamed for certain partially ruined items on the Moon’s surface. They are complex in their organization and geometric structure. A structure surrounded by a high wall that forms the letter D, in the Rima Hadley region near the Apollo 15 landing site.
There are 44 locations on the Moon where artifacts of different types have been found. These artifacts are being investigated by experts from the Space Information Bank Center (Goddard Space Flight Center) and the Planetary Institute (Houston).
Around the Tycho crater, mysterious terrace-like structures of rocky soil were discovered. Natural geological processes cannot explain the concentric hexagonal workings and the presence of a tunnel entrance on the terrace’s slope.
It’s more akin to a large-scale open-pit mining operation. You may see a transparent dome rising above the Copernicus Crater shaft. It emits a blue-white light inside, which is an unusual feature.
Even by lunar standards, there is an intriguing item in the top section of the “Factory” area. The well-known disk has a diameter of approximately 50m and is topped by a dome. It sits on a square foundation that is surrounded by rhombus-shaped walls.
The entrance to an underground caponier’s chamber appears as a black-colored orifice in the ground. A completely regular rectangular region of 300 x 400 meters lies between the Copernicus crater and the “Factory” area. The Apollo 10 crew captured a one-mile-wide object known as the “Castle” that hovers at an altitude of 14 kilometers and throws a visible shadow on the moon’s surface (AS10-32-4822).
It seems to be composed of several cylindrical components and a large binding unit. The interior cellular structure of the hanging “Castle” is visible in one of the pictures, giving the appearance that individual chunks of the item are transparent.
During the briefing, which was attended by several NASA experts, it was revealed that when Richard Hoagland went back to the NASA archive to retrieve the original images of the “Castle,” they were no longer there.
They disappeared even from the Apollo 10 crew’s collection of photos. The archive contains only intermediate images of the object, which do not reveal its inner structure. After reaching the Moon’s surface, the crew of “Apollo 12” realized that they had landed under the direction of a transparent pyramid-shaped object. It shimmered with all the hues of the rainbow against the black velvet of the lunar “sky” as it hung just a few meters above the Moon’s surface.

During the briefing, which was attended by several NASA experts, it was revealed that when Richard Hoagland went back to the NASA archive to retrieve the original images of the “Castle,” they were no longer there.
They disappeared even from the Apollo 10 crew’s collection of photos. The archive contains only intermediate images of the object, which do not reveal its inner structure. After reaching the Moon’s surface, the crew of “Apollo 12” realized that they had landed under the direction of a transparent pyramid-shaped object. It shimmered with all the hues of the rainbow against the black velvet of the lunar “sky” as it hung just a few meters above the Moon’s surface.
NASA eventually analyzed the prospective effects of such control in 1969, after seeing a tape of astronauts on their way to the Sea of Storms, when they saw these unusual items, afterward dubbed “striped spectacles,” for the second time.
“I still have a neck pain from having to continually turn my head because we truly felt like we weren’t alone there,” astronaut Mitchell remarked in response to the correspondent’s query, “How do you feel after a safe return?” “All I could do was pray.” Johnston, who worked at the Houston Space Center, collaborated with other experts to examine the photo and video data collected throughout the Apollo program’s execution.
Richard Hoagland spoke out about lunar relics in a conversation. He mentioned that NASA management is annoyed by a large number of unusual, to put it mildly, items on the Moon. The manned missions that were sent to the moon were constantly in danger of being canceled. Warming up the situation was also provided by the Apollo 14 crew footage, of which many pieces were removed.
Researchers are particularly attracted to ancient buildings that look like partially destroyed cities. The orbital study revealed that square and rectangular buildings have a surprisingly regular shape.
They are able to reproduce the view of our cities at a height of approximately 5-8 km. Here’s what a Mission Control specialist had to say about the images. “Our people, observing from space the remains of ancient Moon cities, translucent pyramids, domes, and God knows what else, now concealed in not just NASA’s safes.”
We felt like Robinson Crusoe, having discovered naked human tracks on the moist sand of a deserted island.” What conclusions can geologists and planetary scientists draw from photos of lunar cities’ remains and other anomalous objects? They do not believe these structures are natural. “We must acknowledge their man-made origins.” Even more so in the case of the domes and pyramids.” An alien civilization’s intelligence activities surfaced unexpectedly near to us. We weren’t psychologically prepared for this, and many individuals still struggle with it.