What’s the first thing you do in the morning? Do you stretch? Of course you don’t. Most people reach for their coffee mug or cigarettes. Well, we will give you a few reasons to stretch in the morning. cool stuff, health, exercise, science, cool stuff, health, exercise, science, health, exercise, science, life science, science
First, your body needs to get loose, and you need to get that heart pumping. Do you work in the office? That’s another reason to stretch in the morning. Spending your day at the desk has a detrimental effect on your health and body posture.
Stretching provides great benefits, and we give you some of them:
- Relieves pain, tension and stiffness
- Boosts circulation and warms up your body
- Improves memory and energy
- Strengthens mindfulness and reduces appetite.
- “Kills” stress
If you think that yoga is too light, it’s time to think again. It’s one of the greatest things you will ever do to your body.
12 Morning Stretches To Improve Energy And Melt Fat
Do the following stretches (poses) in series. For optimal results, do 2-4 sessions and hold each pose for 30 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe and relax.
1. Child’s pose

For this pose, kneel on the floor and touch your big toes. You can either spread your knees or keep them close, depending on what’s comfortable to your body. Bring your torso to the front, and touch the floor with your forehead. Stretch your arms forward or rest them next to your body.
2. Standing forward bend

Stand with your feet apart. Exhale and bend your body forward until your hands reach the floor. Bending your knees is fine.
3. Downward-facing dog

Inhale and bend your upper body. Push your hands into the floor, and step back. Press your hips back and up. Keep your spine straight and your tailbone high. You should feel the stretch in the back of your legs.
4. Three-legged dog

Inhale and lift your right leg. Bring it down slowly, and do the same with your other leg. You can bend your knees, lift your leg a bit higher, or do whatever feels good for your body.
5. Lunge

Inhale and bring one leg forward while bending your knee. Place your hands next to the foot, and straighten the other leg. Elevate your chest.
6. Crescent lunge

Inhale and bring your arms over your head and your torso upright. Bring your palms together, and push the floor away with your feet. Your head should “go against” the ceiling. Relax your shoulders and keep your spine long. Look towards the ceiling and bend your back slightly.
7. Warrior II

Stand and bring one leg forward while bending the knee. Extend your other leg to the back. Open your arms wide, and make sure you have one arm above each leg. Turn the head towards your bent leg.
8. Reverse warrior

Exhale and bring your right hand on your light leg. inhale and lift your left arm up. Look up. Bend your left knee and set your feet on the ground.
9. Triangle pose

Inhale and straighten your bent leg. Extend your arms to the sides and extend your left hand forward. Bring your left hand down to the left leg, and press your knuckles against your shin, ankle or floor. Your left ear should be parallel with the leg. Elevate your right hand and look up. Open your chest.
10. Plank

Planks are the best. Lie on your stomach, and then elevate your entire body while supporting it on your forearms and toes. Keep your body in a straight line and engage your core.
11. Upward dog

Inhale and bend your elbows. Keep them close to the body. Point your toes, press down your hands, keep your arms straight and bring your chest forward. Lift your hips and knees. Support your legs by pressing on the tops of your feet.
12. Cat and cow

Exhale and lower your chest and knees to the ground. Inhale and bring your body on all fours. Keep your hands under the shoulder and your knees under your hips. Inhale and create an arch with your back.
Lift the tailbone and look towards the ceiling. Bring your shoulders away from your ears. Exhale and bring your chin towards the chest. Round the back and tighten the core. Push your mid-back to the ceiling. Do 6-10 reps.