Heart attacks are one of the main causes of early death in the modern world. Unfortunately, this disease usually sneaks up on people. However, just before the tragedy, our body sends us signals we simply shouldn’t ignore. health, medicine, woman’s health, science, health, woman’s health, medicine, science, health, medicine, science,
We have already written about the general symptoms of an impending heart attack. It turned out they manifest themselves differently in men and women. Here are 6 signs every woman should know to keep the disease as far from herself as possible.

These signs may be confusing, as a heart attack is associated primarily with pain in the chest or in the left arm, not in the neck or jaw. The pain can be progressive, nagging, acute, or sudden. It can even wake you up in the middle of the night. This is why you’d better consult a doctor as soon as you notice any unusual symptoms.
Some signals of an approaching heart attack can be confused with signs of poisoning, flu, or severe heartburn. Sometimes women experience pressure in the abdominal region, which in their descriptions is compared to “an elephant sitting on the stomach.”
Cold sweat is another common symptom among women. It may seem to be somehow connected with stress. However, if you haven’t had similar symptoms before, you’d better visit a specialist.
Breathing issues for no apparent reason are the faithful companions of a heart attack, especially if it goes along with another symptom. Women who survived it said they felt like they had run a marathon, though they didn’t even move.
If even after a long rest you feel excessive fatigue and cannot perform simple actions (for example, going to the bathroom), this is an alarming signal and a reason to pay attention to the state of your cardiovascular system.
Chest pain, discomfort, burning, a feeling of pressure in the chest — all these symptoms manifest themselves regardless of your sex. Yet some women experience pain not on the left side of the chest but in the whole area. If the pain or pressure doesn’t disappear within a few minutes, call your doctor immediately.
Note: These signs aren’t a guarantee of an early heart attack. However, their combination, as well as the frequent occurrence of the same symptoms, is already a sufficient reason to consult specialists. Timely medical care can save lives. Take care of yourself!