History is thrown into turmoil as 5,000-year-old Egyptian hieroglyphs are found in Australia. Either plate tectonics have shifted so drastically over the last 5,000 years, or what we knew of the ancient Egyptians may be severely lacking. Either way, it seems that history has been giving the wrong story.
What is even more disturbing is that this has not been the first discovery that debunked current historical records, and that the records seem to need a severe overhaul.
There are of course die-hard sceptics who would never acknowledge the fact that 5,000-year-old Egyptian hieroglyphs were indeed discovered in Australia. It would not be foolish to think so as current historical records does indeed suggest that the Egyptians do not have the capability for trans-continental oceanic voyages.
Thus, it may come as a shock to many to discover that ancient Egyptians may have contact with ancient American civilisations. The discovery was made back in 1992 when a German scientist was performing a series of tests on some very old Egyptian mummies. Test results revealed traces of hashish, tobacco, and cocaine lodged within the hair, skin and bones of the mummies. This may even suggest that the ancient Egyptians knew about the uses of these plants way before anyone else did.

Tabacco and cocaine grew only in the continent which makes up modern America. The question is, how did any of these plants arrive in ancient Egypt long before any Europeans discovered the Americas.
These discoveries are groundbreaking, as they evidently point out that the ancient Egyptians did have the capability for transoceanic travel. This not only means that our current recorded history may be wrong, but also the possibility that there could be other ancient cultures that have developed the capability for long-range sea travel, or even developed other forms of technology or capabilities that we may not be aware of in the history texts.
Upon studying the ancient hieroglyphics, many researchers believe in the authenticity of the glyphs. The glyphs also use a form of ancient Egyptian sentence and grammatical structuring that were only recently discovered.
The glyphs are located within the compounds of the Brisbane Water National Park, Kariong. These hieroglyphic texts could shatter publicly known history and rewrite thousands of historical records.
Known as the Gosford Glyphs, they were actually discovered in the early 1900s, and the roughly 250 stone carvings have been an integral part of the local culture and folklore for about a century.
The writing style of the glyphs is what makes them so unique. They appear to be extremely ancient and used an archaic form of sentence and word structuring that was only used in very early Egyptian dynasties. In fact, the Gosford Glyphs were used so way back that very little records exist, thus attempts to study them have yielded little progress. Most Egyptologists do not even have the ability or knowledge to translate these glyphs.
Source: disclose.tv