The personal notes and scientific diary of a scientist working for the government on alien matters are now making the rounds on the internet. The scientist himself —missing.
According to a document entitled Project Pulsar, the search for and study of extraterrestrial life comes at a price. The unnamed scientist is believed to have been employed by the government to study crash sites and the salvaged equipment, interrogate and establish communication with surviving extraterrestrial biological entities and analyze all gathered data.
His work for the government spanned a 33 year period, a time during which the scientist uncovered information that would have derailed an unprepared mind. By 1990, he had managed to collect information pertaining to over 160 species of alien life forms, once again confirming our belief that the universe is teeming with intelligent life.
He also came upon various documents related to the subject and fortunately for us, the scientist also kept personal notes of his work experience. By the way, it was the habit of keeping a personal diary that got him into trouble with his employer.
“This individual was discovered to have kept and maintained such personal notes and therefore was scheduled for termination,” the document claims. “He narrowly escaped termination by the government and is currently in hiding out of this country.”
His notes are an amalgamation of controversial subjects ranging from secret pharmacology and the use of various synthetic drugs and hormones on human beings to details about alien psionics and extraterrestrial languages.

The document details how several species of aliens possess the ability to control their surroundings and even manipulate and rearrange matter through thought. Using various substances developed with the aid of extraterrestrials, governmental agencies have managed to recreate these effects in humans, albeit on a much smaller scale.
A different portion of the scientist’s notes grazes the surface of alien propulsion systems, giving several examples on the way.
One of them is the impulse propulsion engine that powers basic Grey alien UFOs. Apparently, this drive system works by channeling superhot plasma through a system of space-time driver coils and thus creating a limited distortion of the space-time continuum. These smaller craft can accelerate to nearly the speed of light in a matter of seconds but are only useful for interplanetary travel inside a solar system.
Interstellar travel is another matter and requires speeds much greater than the speed of light. As such, the document claims, alien mother ships are powered by a different assembly called the speed gear drive propulsion engine.
This incredibly advanced engine allows the interstellar cruisers to eschew the known laws of physics and traverse space and time at over 32,000 times the speed of light. In a case of emergency, this speed can be doubled. Mind-bending!
This catastrophically fast propulsion system is powered by a MAGNIUM Crystal Assembly that creates and controls antimatter collisions, creating successive “time-space bubbles” ahead of the starship.
The document then lists several extraterrestrial species enlisted in the service of Grey aliens, who apparently have become masters at genetic manipulation and the creation of synthetic beings.

The photo above shows a creature the scientist calls SQH, a lower-level servant with the intelligence needed to carry out orders but not capable of harnessing any thoughts of its own. The drawing below showcases the Tah’Hay, a mutative clone whose purpose is to complete various forms of research.

The scientist’s data shows that Grey aliens prefer to employ biological creatures, while Nordic and Orange aliens favor the synthetic humanoid form, hi-tech inorganic servants that inexorably do their masters’ bidding.
In the document, the missing scientist references several secret governmental projects, chief among them the infamous MK-ULTRA. The scientist’s notes cite applications that we’ve known about for a long time; the project’s main objective was to develop and improve methods of mind control through various means.
The most success they’ve had was when they enlisted the help of aliens in overcoming the natural barriers of the human mind. Thus, MK-ULTRA achieved breakthroughs in hypnotic manipulation and electronic stimulation of the brain trough microchips or low frequency waves.
Another interesting subject in the scientist’s notes was the idea of a takeover performed by hostile aliens. He dismisses this scenario, claiming that advanced aliens could have done that a long time ago if they wanted to.
“If ETIs have been observing, and to some extent interacting with Earth for centuries, why delay a hostile occupation? The rather marked increase in UFO and ETI activities coinciding with the dawn of the human nuclear age in the mid-1940s would indicate a genuine concern about human hostile capabilities,” the document claims.
In the end, we have no guarantee that this document is authentic. Given the fact that the scientist is unnamed, we cannot look him up and verify his credibility. On the other hand, a researcher working for the government on such delicate matters would most likely be expunged from any records.